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As one of the most prestigious wedding coordinators in Los Angeles, Paige Iris Traynor-Ashcroft is known for being classy, elegant, and the orchestrator of many happily-ever-afters. But in the words of Paige herself: “What a crock of shiitake.” Known affectionately (or not) as P.I.T.A. to those closest to her, she’s never been one to buy into the whole monogamy thing for herself. Sure, her BFFs are getting picked off by Cupid one by one, but his arrows have nothing on her semiautomatic. Richard “Dick” Dawson does his best to live up to his name. A long-time frenemy and manwhore extraordinaire, he thrives on pushing limits, pushing up skirts—and pushing every single one of Paige’s buttons. He’s the itch she can’t scratch, and doesn’t want to. Or does she? What happens when blazing-hot rage turns to crazy, unexplainable lust? Surely not...love? Because that would just be a total P.I.T.A.
I F-Loved PITA!! I honestly couldn't get enough of Paige and Dawson. They love to hate each other. But through all that hate, I could see they both wanted each other. I felt like "Dirty Dick" wanted Paige(PITA) for a long, long time. I could feel his desire and longing. Let's be honest, I could totally feel Paige's love and longing as well, but she denied and suppressed the feelings for so long I wasn't sure she was going to be able to pull her head out of her ass!
Their feisty attitudes and quick witted comebacks constantly had me on the edge of my seat about what would happen next. Dawson was perfect for Paige since he didn't take her shit and she didn't take his. I knew that something had to have happened in their past for the two of them to bite each others' heads off like they did. But that did make for some super hot and steamy sexual angst.
I love Brooke's writing and could hang out with all her characters. This story is my favorite of the LA Liaisons series and I would love to have kept reading about Paige and Dawson. Brooke's stories are excellent and entertaining. I cannot wait for the next one. Love her!

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