I didn’t know darkness and evil lurked inside me until I had to murder in order to survive. Forced to become my own worst enemy. With so much blood on my hands, I was surprised I could still see my own skin.
I killed.
I tortured.
I loved…
I played God while I was rotting in Hell. Thriving on control and power was the only way I knew how to live. There were no other options.
If you weren’t my friend, you were my foe.
If you weren’t with me, you were against me.
Traitors, as I called them. There were no imaginary lines. I’d crossed them all. No boundaries. No second chances. No redemption.
Not for me.
For them.
For anyone.
Only for her…
She loved me. Always convinced I was a saint, never believing I was just another sinner.
A fucking monster.
Until it was too late.
Except, I didn’t choose this life. It. Chose. Me.
Damien, Damien, Damien. What are we going to do with you? He seriously makes me want to hate him, but at the same time I feel sad for him. It's true he didn't pick this life. His father lived a lie and expected his son to grow up different. Instead, Damien just became more ruthless. Trained as a soldier and scared at the age of 18, there was no turning back.
Amira....sweet, innocent Amira. She gave Damien everything she could.She defended him, admired him and loved him. Never did she fear him, even after he continuously broke her heart. Damien warned her, he was not a good man. He told her, he could never give her what she wanted. Yet, she held out hope and continued to love him.
I can't even get in to Emilio, or I may give too much away. I will say this: He's a sleezy, scumbag. I hate him and everything he stands for. Once, you read the book, you'll understand what I mean.
Amira brings out the best in Damien, but he knows she deserves better He continuously goes hot and cold since he is always at war with his emotions. The angst and suspense of their story had me flying through the pages. I really enjoyed it and I need to know what happens!!